Monthly Archives: September 2014
Alcohol and Erectile Dysfunction
You might consider having a few drinks to get in the mood, but overindulging could make it harder for your Dick to access the resources he needs to get erect. Alcohol may give you the confidence for a Turn On, especially in younger years, but, in sufficient quantities will definitely induce ED. Here is a summary of research findings on alcohol consumption and ED buy Viagra Sydney for the general population:
* Acute, Low Dose use: Increased desire for sex; Delayed ejaculation; Decreased erection hardness (tumescence).
* Acute, High Dose use: ED problems; Delayed ejaculations; Decreased orgasm intensity.
* Chronic use: ED problems; Decreased sex drive.
* In Withdrawal mode: ED problems; Decreased sex drive; Fewer nocturnal erections.
* Post Withdrawal phase: Return to normal sexual functioning for most but, erection and sex drive may be permanent from severe alcoholism.
Unless you have permanent damage, the good news is that with adequate withdrawal, normal sexual function can return. Although alcohol does not directly affect the production of Nitric Oxide in your Dick’s cells, it affects ED in two ways:
Firstly, it directly affects your brain and nervous system and produces the results for Acute and Chronic use as noted above. As you are unique the quantities vary but some men are susceptible to even small quantities and it’s worth noting that not all drinking men suffer from alcohol-induced ED. In fact, in low doses it helps the sexual function of some men.
Continued excessive alcohol consumption can cause damage to a variety of body systems: nerve damage, liver damage and hormone imbalances and permanently contribute to an ED condition.
Relate this to yourself and realistically assess whether alcohol had any role in your last 3-5 ED events. To quote Shakespeare from Macbeth,: “Drink provokes the desire but taketh away the performance.”
If you do use alcohol, especially in the Acute categories, try experimenting to see if it affects your ED. Try stopping for at least two weeks and see if your ED condition improves and by how much. Alcohol could be only one of the contributing factors to your ED condition. If you notice a consistent improvement you will have very easily treated this source. If it’s only somewhat improved, we will have to find the other contributory causes.
Finally, research has also confirmed that moderate drinking of anti oxidant rich drinks such as red wine has health benefits such as reducing heart disease risks. And that has to be good for ED.
The impact of infertility
The views of young women late adolescence to mid-twenties
Vignette 2: Kate, age 26
For Shauna, the early emotional disruptions in childhood and issues associated with repeated surgery, alongside support from her family and hospital doctor, seem to have given her a determination to adapt to the condition, to think about infertility and to move forward. Shauna was also young enough to have growth hormone treatment Buy Kamagra online and to be part of a somewhat more optimistic milieu of assisted reproduction that implies more choice for adult women with TS. For Kate, just a few years older, growth hormone had not been available. As Kate did not attend the hospital clinic she did not have the early hospital counselling opportunity to talk about the lack of control over the body that she experienced in her childhood and adolescent medical reviews, or even to talk over teasing and being short. Sinason writes about the alienation of some people from their bodies when there is a trauma to the body of a physical or social kind. She postulates that after the primary trauma, there can be a secondary trauma, which may have been present for Kate in her mid-twenties as a result of not speaking about or understanding the original insult to her body.
The perspective from adult women mid-thirties to sixties
To explore the place of fertility from a longer perspective, I invited adults with TS from the VTSA, through their newsletter, to a semistructured group discussion on the topic of fertility. Five women accepted. They ranged in age from mid-thirties to early sixties; two were married with adopted children, one was married with no plans for children, a fourth was unmarried, and a fifth was engaged to be married and interested in IVF.
Fertility began to matter to the women in their late teens and early twenties although three had learned about it in their early teens. Of these, one woman said it mattered to her after the end of her first marriage at 24; two others said it mattered to them at 17 and 19 years. The other two women had only learned later about their syndrome (at 16 and 20 respectively) and infertility mattered to them straight away. But even then, as one woman said:
- It was not on my mind a terrible lot, I thought I’d cross that bridge when I come to it – it was a mighty bridge.
The five women said, looking back, infertility impacted on their self-worth, self-esteem or on making new relationships. One woman referred to TS impacting on sexuality:
- It’s more unsureness about the missing X chromosome. Am I a full woman? Can I have a full sexual relationship?